Celebrate Good Lives: The Podcast
A funeral podcast which dives into all aspects of the funeral industry in New Zealand and abroad. With two qualified funeral directors who care little for the old school mentality of we tell you what you can and cant do, lets leave that to you and we will give you the tools to empower the celebration of a good life!
34 episodes
Ep 34: Are funerals expensive?
Welcome to 2025, today we discuss the curly one, are funerals expensive? We share our experiences and some justification on the matter. Thanks for joining us!
Episode 34
Ep 33: Death Positivity
Today we chat about death positivity, the language we use to help be more positive about the death journey, the personalization of a funeral and starting the grief journey well.
Episode 33
Ep 32: Halloween 2024
All tings Halloween, funeral ghosts, dreams, nightmares and the word FUNERAL.
Episode 32
Ep 31: Marketing - How do you market a funeral home?
Today with special guest Cherie Stevenson from Stellar Creative Marketing we dive into the dynamics of how to market a funeral home, where to start, what things work and what doesn't.
Episode 31
Ep 30: Digital Legacy
Do you know what happens to your Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn when you die? Neither did we! So today we share what we learnt and how you can plan for this.
Episode 30
Ep 29: Funeral Costs - What does a funeral actually cost?
Today we dive into the sticky one, funeral costs! ewwww.. always a difficult one, but one that needs to be addressed. Lets dive in!
Episode 29
Ep 28: DIY - Do's and Dont's
The Do's and Dont's of DIY, controversial? Yes. We chat through what we see as value, what DIY can do for you and what to avoid when DIYing!
Episode 28
Ep 27: End of Life Care Practitioner Michael Harrington
Today we are joined by End of Life Practitioner Michael Harrington who has been working in this space for almost 20 years. He shares some insights to his learnings that he has shared in his book Conscious Transition: A Journey into the Heart of...
Episode 27
Ep 26: Personal Grief Journey - Ali from Align and Nourish
We sit down with Ali from Align and Nourish to chat about her own personal grief journey. Ali was very open, vulnerable and has been diligent in her healing process. She had some great learnings and takeaways to consider when losing a loved one...
Episode 26
Ep 25: Memorable Moments
This episode looks into the memorable moments of our careers, the funerals that have stuck in our minds, the things that make you smile, the moments that glisten and most of all the achievements of creating a memorable farewell!
Episode 25
Ep 24: International Views Pt 3
The last of the catch up with Craig, Ben and Jordan on their overseas trip.
Episode 24
Ep 23: International Views - with Craig Caldwell, Ben Whitworth and Jordan Goss PT2
Today Dean sits down with international embalmers Craig Caldwell (US) Ben Whitworth (UK) and Jordan Goss (NZEA) to discuss embalming and international funeral trends.
Episode 23
Ep 22: International Views - with Craig Caldwell, Ben Whitworth and Jordan Goss PT1
Today Dean sits down with international embalmers Craig Caldwell (US) Ben Whitworth (UK) and Jordan Goss (NZEA) to discuss embalming and international funeral trends.
Episode 22
Ep 21: Lets Catch Up
Woaaaaaaah, been a busy few weeks with guests, lets draw back the curtain and catch up.
Episode 21
Ep 20: with Glenys Talivai from Public Trust
Today we catch up with Glenys Talivai who is the CEO of Public Trust New Zealand. We yarn today about wills, estates and everything we need to prepare for after death to administer an estate. A super interesting podcast with some wicked takeawa...
Episode 20
Ep 19: Embalming Pt 3 - With Jordan Goss
Our third and last part of the series with Jordan Goss from the New Zealand Embalmers Association. A massive thank you to Jordan for his time and sharing of knowledge around embalming being the "gold standard" in funeral care.
Episode 19
Ep 18: Embalming Pt 2 - With Special Guest Jordan Goss
The second part of our embalming series with special guest Jordan Goss - President of New Zealand Embalmers Association.
Episode 18
Ep 17: Embalming Pt 1 - Special Guest Jordan Goss
The first part of our embalming series with special guest Jordan Goss - President of New Zealand Embalmers Association. We discuss the pre embalming and starting of embalming in this podcast. The first of a three part series.
Episode 17
Ep 16: Things to know about the process
News story of the week, the week in sport and our topic of the day being what do you need to know when it comes to someone who is about to die and how can you prepare.
Episode 16
Ep 15: What's the hype around burials?
News story of the week, followed by a yarn on burials, natural burials, burials at sea and our thoughts on everything burial related.
Episode 15
Ep 14: Summer - Whats the Plan?
Fun one today talking news story of the week, summer, sport and everything inbetween!
Episode 14
Ep 13: Expected Vs Unexpected - What to expect?
The boys today discuss what to expect when someone dies expectedly and unexpectedly. The coroner, the pathologist, the mortuary technician and everything in-between.
Episode 13
Ep 12: The FUN in FUNeral
We talk about how we think you can put the FUN in FUNeral. A fun way to really make those funerals that are bland and boring more interesting and what would we do to help?
Episode 12